Positly Knowledge Base

Five ways to target screened participants with Positly

Updated: 02, Thu, 2023 03:25 PM

Here are the five best ways to target screened participants within Positly.

1. Use Demographic targeting

The best and easiest way to target screened participants is to use the free inbuilt Demographic targeting available within Positly.

We pre-screen participants for many standard demographic attributes. These are available when you create in your Positly dashboard and get to the participants tab.

2. Use Custom attributes with a screening study

If you have a custom screening criteria you can use our Custom attributes by running a screening study followed by your core study.

For example, if you are looking for people with less than five toes you could run a short study that asks “How many toes you have on your left foot?” and then send that number variable back to Positly dynamically using Custom attributes. Then you can target people with less than 5 toes on their left foot.

We recommend you read our 6 tips to screening success to determine how to best write your screener.

Our library of screening program templates can also help you to screen for common criteria.

3. Use Bonusing for variable payment

Alternatively, you could run a study that pays participants different amounts depending on whether they are your target participant. In this case you can ask the screening questions early in the study and then tell those that pass that you have additional questions for them for which they will receive a Bonus payment. Then when your study completes you can send the Bonus payment to those who were eligible.

4. Transparent screening

If your study has a low incidence rate (percentage of people in the target population who are eligible) or you have a low budget then your best option may be to use a transparent screening process.

In this case you tell the participants in the listing exactly who you are studying, then you verify that they are those people (often by asking a question that they could only answer if they are honestly the right person – see this example).

This isn’t recommended as it gives participants an opportunity to be dishonest, but it can sometimes be the best option for researchers with difficult to find audiences. The better option could be to have a custom study.

5. Custom studies

If you have a hard to reach audience, target demographic or study type that isn’t currently available on our self serve tool, feel free to fill in our quote form with your needs and we can help you find the right participants using a range of resources available to us and our years of expertise.


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