Positly Knowledge Base

How to create your first study on Positly

Updated: 10, Wed, 2024 07:43 AM

Creating studies is easy on Positly – researchers can get a new study off the ground in a matter of minutes!

The basic steps are as follows:

  1. Create your Project
    This is the top level container that holds your runs within a study
  2. Create your Run
    1. Set up basic run details including a link to your Activity
    2. Select the Participants you want to target
    3. Set the pricing
      Add credit if you haven’t already
  3. Set it live and watch the results come in!
    First you’ll need to copy the Completion link and put it at the end of your Activity

Once you have created your first Run you can then create more Runs in the same Project and retarget or exclude previous participants.


Here’s a few tips that we often recommend:

  • Set up your activity to receive the participant attributes such as Demographics (e.g. age, gender) and system information (e.g. participant IDs).
  • Use GuidedTrack for your activity as it requires very little configuration – plus, it’s super powerful and easy to use
    • All you need is to include *program: EndOfActivityRedirect at the end of your program and everything will work smoothly
  • Run a pilot study first to get a good estimate of time
    • Also we recommend adding the greater of ~1min or 30% onto your guess as us humans typically underestimate time


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