Positly Knowledge Base

Instructions for integrating SurveyMonkey with Positly

Updated: 20, Tue, 2024 10:17 AM

Positly and SurveyMonkey play very well together with Positly sending pre-screened Participants to SurveyMonkey to complete an Activity and then SurveyMonkey sending Participants back to Positly to confirm completion and provide Feedback.

At each stage of the process data can be dynamically shared between Positly and SurveyMonkey using Query strings. This has several benefits:

  • Activity completion is faster
  • Pre-screened Participant attributes enrich the study with additional data
  • Pre-screening improves accuracy and prevents Participants from gaming a screener
  • Using Query strings to receive Positly data makes data cleaning, preparation and analysis easier (no need to fiddle around joining data)
  • Using Query strings to send data to Positly enables the retargeting or exclusion of participants based on Custom attributes

Note: Integration works best with the paid version of SurveyMonkey but it is still possible to integrate on the free version but we strongly discourage the use of the free version of SurveyMonkey and do not guarantee its performance as it is much more likely to have a poor experience due to the limitations of the free version of the software.

Integrating with SurveyMonkey’s paid version (Premier Annual plan only)

Please note that only Premier Annual plan includes Survey completion redirect.

Receiving Positly’s Participant data in SurveyMonkey using custom variables (paid)

Follow these instructions to set up SurveyMonkey custom variables to accept Positly’s Participant data using the Query strings.

  1. Click the Design Survey tab in your SurveyMonkey survey.
  2. In the left sidebar, click LOGIC.
  3. Click Custom Variables.
  4. Set up the first variable by completing the following fields:
    1. Variable Name (required) – This will appear in the URL string itself. The Variable Name cannot contain any spaces. Max 50 characters.
    2. Label (optional) – This will appear in your analysis, so create a label that will help you track what information the field contains. Max 250 characters.
  5. If you wish to add additional custom variables, click + New Custom Variable and repeat steps 4 and 5.
  6. Click Save.

Successful participants must be redirected to Positly’s Completion link to confirm their completion.

  1. Go to the Collect Responses section of your survey.
  2. Click the name of the collector and access the collector options. You may need to click Show advanced options.
  3. Choose “On, show a custom end page” and paste in the Completion link .

Dynamically sending Custom attributes from SurveyMonkey to Positly

You can also choose to dynamically pass participant attributes back to Positly as Custom attributes.

This process is quite limited in SurveyMonkey as you can only hardcode the Completion link and will need to need to set up different exit pages and use skip logic to customise different redirect URLs.

Integration with SurveyMonkey’s free version

Receiving Positly’s Assignment ID in SurveyMonkey using Custom Data (free)

If you are using the free version of SurveyMonkey you can use custom data to identify the specific Assignment.

This requires customising the Query string attributes in Positly so that the Assignment ID is passed through with the parameter key of “c” instead of the default parameter key of “assignmentID”.

This is done while you are creating your Run in Positly.

  1. Click the “Configure” button next to the “Query string attributes” section during Run creation
  2. Find “Assignment ID” and change “assignmentID” to “c”

If you would like to join the Participant data with your survey data after your run finishes you will need to download the participant attributes from the Participants tab within your Run in Positly.

Linking from SurveyMonkey to Positly’s Completion link

Successful participants must be directed to Positly’s Completion link to confirm their completion.

With the free version of SurveyMonkey you need to use a text link as the custom end page is unavailable for free accounts.

  1. Add a new page (so that people can not scroll to the end)
  2. Add text instructions explaining to open the Completion link in a new page
  3. Link the instructions to the Completion link

Make sure your instructions are very clear that they need to click on the link to complete the study.

Note: While this is possible we do not recommend using the free version of SurveyMonkey to integrate your study. If you would like to use free software for your study we recommend using GuidedTrack.


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