Positly Knowledge Base

Integrate your activity to receive Participant attributes and Demographic information using Query string parameters

Updated: 07, Tue, 2023 03:59 PM

Positly provides researchers with unique Participant identifiers and Demographic attributes and other helpful attributes about Participants.

To properly identify an Assignment it is a requirement to set up your Activity to receive the Assignment ID, it is often helpful to also store the Participant ID also.

This participant information is automatically passed through to the Activity link using Query string parameters which you can then store, or even use in an activity to dynamically change the way it behaves for users (see this example).

Depending on the software you are using for your study, you may need to set up your software to receive these participant attributes. We recommend using GuidedTrack because by default it will accept any query string while most other tools require that you set them up manually.

Here are instructions for receiving this data on popular survey tools:


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